im finally moving to tel aviv, finding an apt took about as long as my draft process... but i got a bed today and ill move the rest of my stuff tom. those of you familiar my past living situations will not be disappointed by my new diggs. ill post a couple pictures tomorrow and give you the rest of the details.
im getting drafted in 2 weeks... time flies when ur doing mostly nothing and a rotating cast of your favorite people come to visit you.

i thought id make this blog interactive, do any of you have thoughts on when i should shave my head? now? or in 2 weeks? todd is my usual barber, but with gas prices going up i just cant afford to fly him in every time i need someone to take half an hour to shave my head with the cheapest most ineffective electric shaver known to man. exhibit A is the current state of affairs. i should clarify that the bulge in my cheek is not an abnormally large gumball but rather the result of having 2 wisdom teeth violently extracted from the clutches of my jaws. As for the tea bag hanging from my mouth, well, somethings you just don't want to know... trust me, its for your own good.
Exhibit A

shave half of your head now, the other half in 2 weeks
Arie, I'll shave your head! And I'll bring my Venus Gilette girly razor, it'll be perfect. Just fly me out there. Besides, I think it's cheaper to fly out of Prospect Heights than Williamsburg, so no worries.
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